Why Do Pics Come Out Black When Trying to Upload to Ebay

Have yous always seen someone wearing something you wanted to purchase only you didn't know where to get it? Or maybe you saw something you liked while reading your favorite web log or flipping through Pinterest but you didn't know where you lot could purchase it, let alone how to describe it in words? There is a maxim that a motion-picture show is worth a thousand words, only who really wants to write that much when you are trying to find something rapidly.

Today, eBay announced Find It On eBay and Epitome Search, 2 features that will make the entire internet shoppable. These new features bring you a stride closer to getting that particular you really want, whether it's brand new or nigh new—it'll be totally you.

Observe Information technology On eBay is a new feature in our eBay app and mobile platform that lets you share images from any social platform or web browser. All yous accept to practice is "share" the image with eBay and our mobile app volition find listings of the item in that image or others like it.

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With Prototype Search, y'all can take a photo of something you want to buy—or utilise an existing photo from your camera roll—and put it into the eBay Search bar on our native apps. So, we'll show you listings that match the detail you are looking for.

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These features sift through the more than than 1.1 billion listings on eBay, creating a seamless shopping feel and helping you notice your version of perfect. They besides open up upward new ways to find unique and fun items that wouldn't be possible with just using words.

Leveraging the latest advances in ii core parts of artificial intelligence -- figurer vision and deep learning -- these new features make information technology easier to buy the things that inspire you. When you upload images to run Find Information technology On eBay and Image Search, we use a deep learning model called a convolutional neural network to procedure the images. The output of the model gives us a representation of your epitome that we can use to compare to the images of the live listings on eBay. And so, we rank the items based on visual similarity and use our open-source Kubernetes platform to chop-chop bring these results to you, wherever you are in the world.

We adult the idea for Image Search with a small team during eBay Hack Calendar week, an annual company-wide competition challenging our technologists to innovate and reimagine the ecommerce experience. Our project won the competition in 2015, and from then on, our squad has grown substantially while we've been building these features. We are continuing to work on additional features and wait to launch more computer vision products in the coming months.

Find Information technology On eBay and Image Search volition exist rolling out this Fall. At the fourth dimension of launch, Image Search will be supported on both Android and iOS and Observe Information technology On eBay on Android.

Then, the next time you come beyond something you love when you are browsing online, snap a picture and observe it on eBay.



Steve Neola is a Product Lead for Recommendations and Image Search at ebay. He is captivated by enabling everyone to use images to store the earth's most diverse inventory no matter where they are or what inspires them. Steve is a huge music fan and tin exist found at jazz clubs in the West Village when non working at eBay NYC.


Ben Klein is an Applied Researcher at eBay, where he works on computer vision, auto learning, and deep learning. Ben leads eBay'south efforts on applying computer vision for search and recommendation systems applications. Prior to joining eBay in 2014, Ben worked at Microsoft Research as a machine learning researcher and developed algorithms that are used by Microsoft Xbox. Ben holds a Master'southward caste in Information science from Tel-Aviv Academy and his work has been published in CVPR and ECCV.


Max Manco is a Lead Engineer for Image Search and is responsible for its design, performance and scalability. Max joined the eBay Israeli Office in 2011 and has been involved in several key projects in the Structured Data group. In 2015, soon after relocating to NYC, he started working on Prototype Search. Max is very passionate about Coffee, the Spring Framework, and building efficient large scale systems that delight our users.


Source: https://tech.ebayinc.com/product/find-it-on-ebay-using-pictures-instead-of-words/

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