What Does Health Equity Mean to You Usc


The Florida-California Cancer Research, Didactics and Engagement (CaRE 2 ) Health Disinterestedness Heart is a bi-coastal cancer inquiry and training center that brings together Florida A&Chiliad University (FAMU), the Academy of Florida (UF) Cancer Heart, and the University of Southern California Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (USC-NCCC). The CaRE 2 Health Equity Center is funded past grants from the National Cancer Institute, Eye for Reducing Cancer Wellness Disparities, U54 CA233396, U54 CA233444 and U54 233465.

Bring together The Cause

Our Vision

Nosotros aspire to eliminate cancer health disparities among Blacks and Latinos living in California and Florida, and contribute to paving the way to eliminate disparities in these populations beyond the US. Our long-term goals are:

  • to reduce cancer incidence and place and study wellness disparities observed in ethnically diverse Black and Latino populations in Florida, California and nationally;
  • to train and increase the pool of underrepresented Black and Latino scientists conducting health disparity research;
  • to increase research chapters at Florida A&M University
  • to increase cancer disparity enquiry at the Academy of Florida and the University of Southern California

CaR (Cancer Inquiry)

There are stark cancer health disparities among African-Americans and Latinos in the US. For example, for all cancers combined, the expiry charge per unit is 25 per centum higher for African-Americans than for whites. Compared to Whites, Latinos take higher rates for tum, cervical, and liver cancer, as well every bit worse survival for several cancers. Leaders of this triad collectively accept expertise in translational genomics; molecular and cancer epidemiology; cancer health disparity; drug discovery; interventions to reduce disparities; and management of cancer pain and end-of-life issues. Together, we foster and fund innovative translational research across the University of Southern California, the Academy of Florida, and Florida A&G University.

E (Education)

A key goal of the center is to diversify the enquiry workforce focused on cancer and health disparities. The centre provides research-grooming opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early-phase investigators (ESI) and will promote their individual research and career development.

East (Engagement)

We work together with our communities in California and Florida to disseminate information, learn most customs needs, and engage community members in research, preparation, and outreach. We develop materials tailored for our unique Black and Latino communities in Florida and Southern California, provide bilingual community training sessions across the two coasts, train community advocates, and develop a new generation of Denizen Scientists.

Upcoming Events

Centre News

Postbac-CaRE2 Program 2022-2023

Seeking all POSTBAC candidates! If yous are interested in a unique opportunity working in cancer research with underrepresented minorities this is the programme for you!

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Stay Connected

Learn more about our middle

CaRE2 Cancer Research Link©: Pancreatic Cancer Disparities featuring Prof Jose...

Prof Folakemi Odedina and Prof Jose Trevino

CaRE2 Cancer Inquiry Link©: The CaREtwo Center Administrative Core

Prof Diana Wilkie, Prof Kinfe Redda and Prof Mariana Stern

CaRE2 Cancer Research Link©: Introducing the CaREii Health Equity Center

Prof Folakemi Odedina, Dr John Carpten and Dr Renee Reams

Want to Join United states?

If you share our interest in reducing cancer health disparities, delight consider becoming a fellow member of the CaRE² center. Investigators, trainees, customs leaders, and advocates are welcome.

Upcoming Events

High Risk/Triple Negative Breast Cancer & African Ancestry

March 23, 2020
At 12:00 AM EDT

Register: https://flake.ly/2wdbAlg

Observance of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Merchandise is March 25. On Monday, March 23 at 12:00 pm EDT, CaRE2 Health Disinterestedness Middle is honored to hear from Dr. Lisa Newman, MD, MPH, FACS, FASCO. Dr. Newman is Chief Chest Surgeon at Weill Cornell Medicine and is a Principal Investigator in the establishment of the International Chest Registry. The International Breast Registry is a partnership between institutions in the Usa, Ghana and Ethiopia which seeks to explore and accost breast cancer wellness disparities faced past women of African beginnings through educational training programs and conducting research studies comparing biological science of breast cancer betwixt these populations that are both genetically linked and geographically separated by the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

Past Events

Monthly Webinar with Dr. Ernest Kaninjing, DrPH MPH CHES

February 27, 2020
At Noon PST or
3:00 PM EST

Monthly Webinar: Connecting Community and Research- The CaPTC Familial Cohort Study In observance of Blackness History month, The CaRE2 Health Equity Eye is honored to hear from Dr. Ernest Kaninjing, DrPH MPH, CHES. Dr. Kaninjing is an Banana Professor at Georgia Higher and Land University, in addition to being a Co-Investigator on the Prostate Cancer Transatlantic Consortium (CaPTC) Familial Accomplice Study. Dr. Kaninjing will be speaking nigh his experiences Connecting Community and Enquiry while collecting data for this report in communities of Black Men in the United states of america, Nigeria, and Cameroon which has given him unique insights to commonalities and differences beyond a variety of cultures within the African Diaspora.

Bioinfomatics Webinar Series: Foundations in Biomedical Informatics (Part 1)

Feb 21, 2002
At 9:00 AM - ten:00 AM PST or
Noon-ane:00PM EST

Start in a series of free webinars on Bioinformatics, "Introduction to Bones Bioinformatics: Concepts, Databases and Analytical Tools" is presented by Enrique Velazquez-Villareal, Doctor PhD MPH MS CGH, Assistant Professor of Research and co-Lead of CaRE2'due south Bioinformatics, Statistical and Methodological Core. Come across the Zoom replay here by clicking "learn more"

Translating your Science to Stakeholders Webinar Preparation Series

Feb 17, 2002
At x:00 AM PST or
ane:00 PM EST

Part 3 of 3 with Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Co-Leader of CaRE2 Outreach and Didactics Core and Yewande O. Addie, MA MPH, PhD Pupil UF College of Journalism and Communications on "Maintaining Participant Engagement" You lot will acquire tips on how to make your research participatory and engaging


Source: https://care2healthequitycenter.org/

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